update on 7/9/2002


1. The moderator status is a gift. You must meet the Moderator Guidelines. Just like in the “Removal of a Moderator Guidelines “ there is a vote to who is made a moderator. Three people need to bring about a “call for moderator status “ Each person needs to make their “call for moderator status” public on the modlist email at lightmods@yahooka.com.

2. At that time a leader needs to be chosen and state why this person should have Moderator status, and this is done on the modlist email.   Each members will have the opportunity to ask questions or state their concerns. After sufficient discussion has taken place then a vote is needed. All Moderators can vote YES or NO. Voting is to be open on the list or set up in a private poll. A 100% voting must be given before taken to the main room. The voting period is one week after that a tally will be made and the results will be known.

3. After a peer Moderator vote is done, The voted member then is given a temporary status for a 3 week period. After this 3 week temporary moderator status. There will be a main room vote before make this said person a AOP. A vote of 66% is needed. This is a open vote on a poll web site for one week. After 1 week a tally will be made and the results will be known.